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“The Voyage”

My song du jour! I love this song so much! It’s so much fun! But it also makes me a little sad cuz it reminds me of the guy I loved who never loved me back😢

It may be that I’d like to
But I won’t fall in love with you
We won’t spend the rest of our lives together
But anyway couldn’t we go on a trip together

My review of Thrive

So I finally tried the “women’s vitamins” from Thrive, and I wanted to share my experience. First I will disclose that the conditions of the experiment were not perfect. I had woken up at 4am because I usually can’t get more than 5 hours sleep at a time. So I took both pills at about 10am because it took a lot of internal debate to even decide to take them. I admit I am biased & apprehensive about Thrive. I worry that it will speed up my heart rate & raise my blood pressure, the way drugs like Adipex do. Thrive claims to be all natural, but I suspect it contains something similar to Phentermine, based on the symptoms some people have reported.

So, I already felt strange that day. I woke up at 4am, with this overwhelming drive to be productive. I wanted to write or create something so badly. I was tired, but I was way too hyped to go back to sleep. The day didn’t go as planned. I had to run errands, pick my daughter up from school bc she got sick. I had my son with me bc he’s just stubborn and crazy. By the time I started heading for the library to write, it was 2pm & started to feel a huge crash. I was wiped out. It is not uncommon for me to get really tired and need a nap during the day, but this crash seemed really intense.

I bought a frappe with a double shot of expresso & headed to the library. My computer was acting up so I didn’t get anything done. By 3pm I felt completely in a daze. I was exhausted & felt like I couldn’t even move. I packed up the laptop & went home. I came in and told the kids I was taking a nap. I slept for 3 hours &I woke up feeling so much better. The Thrive was out of my system, & I felt normal again. I was able to go back to sleep that night with no problems. I slept until 7am.

So, how long did I “thrive”? About 4 hours.

Did I feel any physical symptoms? Yes, my heart rate was up, & I am pretty sure I experienced mild clenching of my jaw. My heart rate sometimes feels slightly raised when I’m really tired & have to be active bc I’m forcing my body to go when it doesn’t want to, but I’m pretty sure in this instance it was raised because of the Thrive. I felt that “speed” effect.

Did it make me jittery? It depends on what you consider jittery. Maybe only slightly. I mostly felt like my heart rate was up, and I felt tense. My mind was racing with ideas, but my body was just unable to keep up. I would almost compare this to a manic phase. Is that considered jittery?

My take on Thrive- if you have a healthy heart & a healthy body, you will probably get some benefit, as far as more physical activity & more motivation and energy. But beware- pay attention to your heart rate, your body, see if you feel tense, etc. It would probably be good to go to the doctor while you are “thriving” to check your BP& heart rate. Usually this type of pill raises your BP& that means it is not safe. That’s why I had to quit taking Stacker many years ago.

Would I try thrive again? Yes. I think I would. I would like to try it after a good night’s sleep, to see if I experience the crash again & to see if I can get more than 4 hours of energy out of it. I do intend to speak to my doctor about it, & get his input. But since there are medical professionals in town currently using & selling Thrive,I have a feeling he will think it is okay as long as my BP is normal.

Keep in mind that Thrivers use this product with the notion that it is all-natural. However, I seriously question this claim. If Thrive contains less caffeine than a cup of coffee, how do you explain the energy? It’s NOT from vitamins.

If I do try Thrive again, I will be sure to write about review. In the meantime, be smart and Thrive with caution!

#Thrive #review #productreview

Happy New Year!!!

Hello again! I wish I could say it’s my exciting life keeping me away, but not really. I’ve been busy with the kids and the rest of the time I’m sleeping or binging a TV show. Haven’t been out of the house much since November it seems.

I’ve been trying to decide how to proceed with this blog. I’m not sure why I never feel like writing. I think it’s because I feel I have nothing to say that anyone will read. And it’s hard for me to just sit and post a long opinion piece, etc that is cohesive and looks like an “article” that I could share. But you know what I finally decided?

Maybe right now, my blog should be for the Adult ADD reader with the short attention span like me. I hate reading long articles. They are time consuming! My reading comprehension is not wonderful. It’s always taken me a long time to get through books and articles. Fast readers amaze me.

So I’m going to start blogging more and try to get my “brand” off the ground. I always thought I’d grow up to do great things, but it feels like life cheated me. But really it was just those around me. One in particular.

So, there will be more blogs coming. Short opinion pieces (think Facebook post style) and I’m also gonna post the crazy comments I see on FB bc these people make me sad for the world. Too many Donald Trumps out there for sure. So have a great year, and I hope to gain some readers in the following months (bc right now I’m just talking to myself 😂).

Happy New Year from glitzygrrl! Let’s all make it great!

Rick’s Explosive Exit

So, The Walking Dead tonight was positively mind-blowing! More than I ever thought it would be! The ending definitely threw viewers for a loop, when we were certain Rick was going to die! Instead, Jadis/Anne found him lying on the bank of the river and convinced the “magic helicopter” to take them both to the mystery place. How funny was it that Rick finally caught the same helicopter he was probably chasing in the first episode?

So there’s going to be a lot of theories about this, and before I read anyone else’s,I want to put mine out there.

Theory #1

The helicopter people are looking for freshly bitten humans. They are working on a cure, and they need them in order to do experiments with. These people will likely die which is why Anne was so hesitant about finding an A because she knew that she would be killing them even if it was for a greater good. So an A is a freshly bitten human. B is a human who has not been bitten.

Theory #2

Same theory about the helicopter people. An A is a walker newly turned. B is a human.

Theory #3

These magic helicopter people are actually aliens from another planet. Rick has just been whisked away to some far off galaxy to a planet that resembles Earth. They want to stop the walker virus before it starts on their on planet. They are trying to figure out what caused it so they will know how to prevent it from happening to them. (I like this theory the best 😂)

So if I’m right, the question still remains – where is Rick? What’s going to happen to him? Can he trust Anne? Is he safe? Well, many questions remain! Also, why did the helicopter people take Rick? Anne told them, “He’s a B. He’s hurt, but he’s strong.” Is Rick somewhere held captive? Will he be an integral part in finding a cure? I don’t think he’s going to stay there willingly, but will he have to pay a price for having his life saved? All these questions will be unanswered for a while. As for the movies, I’m kind of excited. I just hope it doesn’t ruin what we have with The Walking Dead. And I hope that the time jump isn’t going to change everything either. We deserve to see our group mourn Rick Grimes. We deserve to mourn with them. To gloss over his “death” with a time jump is a terrible disservice to the fans. I am hoping that the beginning of next week’s show shows us some of the time after the bridge blew up so we can see how our group handles that. Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, and Carol in particular.

#twd #thewalkingdead #rick #rickgrimes

In reference to Bette Midler’s recent tweet —

I really like Bette midler. Her tweets amuse me but also often make very valid points. While what she is saying ,I think, is true, that’s not how I would word it. I don’t personally think any of us should get into a “who’s more oppressed” contest. Because there are a lot of populations who are, and NONE of it should be tolerated!

In social work classes, we learned about populations at risk. And this was an interesting thing that I’ve carried with me since…. You take an individual & you look at all that counts against them. Let’s say a white woman like me who is straight, for the most part 😋 My risk factor for suffering is much lower than my black lesbian friend, who has three strikes against her. That’s what you call triple jeopardy- black, gay, female. Her risk for oppression & potential suffering is much higher. That’s not to say that my black lesbian friend doesn’t have a much better life than I do. She may have a nice house, with a wife, kids, a good job, and a steady income. While I am disabled, unemployed, in low income housing and on food stamps. But as far as privilege, I have more.

The odds are always against us in life. Some have more luck than others. But still, it’s important to look at these factors and consider that there are things that people go through that we may never totally understand because we don’t know what it’s like being a black lesbian in a straight white man’s world.

Women do have to fight harder many times, in different situations. And we are just talking about America. Think of other countries where women must be fully covered & are held down and circumcised as toddlers! They are mutilated & raped, etc. It’s like just because we have vaginas, men just have to stick their penises in us & they don’t think they need permission.

I know in my life, I’ve been in very bad relationships because men have not valued me & have not treated me with respect & worth. And my upbringing & bad decisions contributed to that, as well, but that’s another conversation. But do I think it’s because I was born female? Yes I most definitely do. There are many instances in my life that I know my gender made me appear weak to others bc I was raised to think I was weak.

It’s not easy for women. But when you are a woman of color, you have double the struggle.

Do our brains & body “adapt” to chronic pain?

Chronic pain is such a strange phenomenon. Mainly in the way that a person learns to adapt to it. I have my usual excruciating pains, then when a new pain is introduced, I realize “this is new and something isn’t right.” So I go get it checked out. If it’s a mystery pain or something that can’t be fixed, I just add it to my pain roster. Usually after about 24-48 hours of having the new pain, I begin to adapt to it & not react so intensely when I feel it. The only exception is probably gall bladder pain. That was horrible & no way I could recover. But this “GI/right side” pain has been added to my roster, as well as my broken foot. Both are excruciating & a hindrance, but they are also things that I will probably have to live with for the rest of my life, so what can I do? Adapt . Get used to feeling it. Does that make sense? It doesn’t make it hurt that much less than it did. It’s just that somehow my brain gets used to feeling that pain, & stops urging me to go straight to the ER. I write this as waves of intense side pain grabs me. Who knows? Maybe I could have adapted to my gall bladder pain, unless it killed me.

Orange is the New Black Represents Everything That’s Wrong with Our Prison System

“The Animals”… That’s the title of Episode 412. That’s the title of the theme song that plays before every episode. So immediately you think that we are finally seeing how bad the “animals” can actually behave. But it’s a trick. The episode is not about how animalistic & horrible the inmates can be. It’s about exactly how horrible and corrupt correctional officers on a power trip can be. Such irony in just the title of this episode.

The content is difficult to watch. What we’ve seen is a prison system unraveling at the seams. Everything was calmer, for the most part, before MCC took over, and since then, they have been royally screwing up the place at every turn. Their interest is not protecting & keeping their inmates safe. Their interest is how much money they can make on each inmate. It’s a very crude system. And putting guards in charge who have little to no training only makes it ten times worse.

As the episode illustrates, Officer Baxter Bayley is a typical dumb kid. He’s way too young & impressionable to be in that position, and he’s very poorly trained. He does things he shouldn’t, but unlike his friends and co-workers, he possesses enough awareness to know what he’s doing is wrong. Yet, thanks to his inexperience and age, he is unable to stand up to the other guards. The one time he tried to report them, Warden Caputo demonstrates just how powerless he is in this new privatized system. And so he slinks out like a defeated coward , so that he won’t lose his job.

Officer Piscatella is the animal. Along with the majority of his men who really don’t give a damn about the inmates that they are in charge of. They only see them as caged animals, which enriches the irony even more. The actual animals are treating the inmates like they are animals. They kick them, they push them, they even pit them against each other to fight like pit bulls in a dog fight. There is no supervision because the officers share the same viewpoint. And the few that don’t agree do not possess the balls to call them out. Even the female guard, Officer McCullough, looked the other way when she knew Officer Humphreys had done something bad to Maritza. She was witnessing crimes towards women and not reporting them.

Poussey’s death is absolutely tragic. Not only because she was an intelligent, good person who was serving way too much time for a minor drug offense, but because her death was absolutely unnecessary and preventable! It never should have gotten to that point. And it never would have if it weren’t for the guards and their taunting. They created and caused all of the chaos, and they were 100% responsible for Poussey’s death.

I imagine how this would have played out in the real world. First of all, Bayley would have been placed on paid leave. So would the rest of the officers present, I imagine, pending investigation. Then the prison would issue a statement, because this would make the news pretty quickly. It would be a vague statement, reading something like this: A Litchfield inmate died of undetermined causes last night. A full investigation is underway, and the officers present will be cooperating fully. Our sympathies go out to the family.

And that would be that, until the media & the inmate’s parents began digging. The usual people would become outraged at the violent killing of an unarmed inmate (I am one of those people!) and the usual assholes who say she got what she deserved would begin poisoning the comment section below every news story. Poussey Washington would be just another casualty of the criminal justice and prison systems. There would be a lot of false accounts put out by the prison about her fake violent history, and there would be a lot of people posting her picture and her name, and ranting about police brutality, because that’s all they know to do, to raise awareness & demand action.

And what would become of Baxter Bayley? It would be drilled into his head that he followed reasonable protocol and was just doing his job. Why should he lose everything over the life of a prisoner? It was an accident, and she was being unruly! So he would plead not guilty, and go to trial. He would be found not guilty because the jury would believe he was not working in a malicious manner (and I believe he wasn’t), and he was just doing what he was ordered to do. And what of the man who gave the order to clear the cafeteria? He will not be held accountable by the court system. He will probably get three months compensation and asked to quietly leave. And the rest of the officers will keep their mouths shut so they can keep their jobs.

And what about Poussey Washington? She is dead, and no one is held accountable. There is no justice.

Mississippi is forcing chronic pain sufferers to be drug tested in order to get meds

Mississippi has enacted a new law which forces patients to get drug tested before their physician is allowed to write a new prescription for their monthly narcotic pain management.

Let me tell you what’s wrong with this law. I know the “opioid crisis” has been talked about a lot & it has destroyed lives. I understand that some people become addicted to pain medication & they take more and more in order to feel high or to just get pain relief. Drug use & abuse is a tale as old as time. There was a freaking opioid crisis in the days of Edgar Allan Poe!

But do not punish those of us who suffer from chronic pain, who depend on medication to make them feel better. Yes I realize I used the word “depend”. And I can see how that would imply that I am drug dependent. Well guess what… Some people ARE drug dependent, and that is perfectly fine! Diabetics depend on prescription drugs to live. Cancer patients depend on drugs. I depend on drugs because I suffer from high blood pressure & hypothyroidism. So yes, I’m drug dependent. But I also suffer from chronic pain that i have undergone extensive therapy for.

Nothing helps. That is why I must take pain medicine to alleviate my suffering. I have severe nerve pain & arthritis. My pain management routine is not just about narcotics. I also take Neurontin & ibuprofen 800, by prescription. But this isn’t quite enough to make me comfortable. I have to take Tramadol on top of it to alleviate that extra back pain that just won’t go away. And no, it doesn’t ever go away completely, but Tramadol allows me to be able to lie in bed comfortably so I can sleep. It allows me to take a shower because it suppresses some of that excruciating back pain I experience. It allows me to be able to get up & do limited activities with my children.

I do not take Tramadol to get high. It doesn’t even affect me in that way. Honestly I would love to have a med that is a little stronger & could better help with my pain. But I will settle for Tramadol as long as my doctor is willing to give it. I do not complain!

That is why this new law is so detrimental to chronic pain sufferers, who are dependent on pain relieving narcotics. I don’t deny that people over indulge in these medications, but the simple fact is that I don’t. I take mine as prescribed, & I have done so every single day, every single month, every single year. So why am I now forced to go to the clinic & pay for a drug test every single month?! Who is paying for this expense? Me? Gee, thanks. Because I guess it’s my fault that I need these meds. Chronic pain sufferers have trouble getting out of the house. Hell, we have trouble just getting out of bed! And now we must fight through that pain when we run out of medication, drag ourselves to the clinic, and take a drug test. Every. Single. Month.

That is absolutely ridiculous! Do not punish chronically ill patients for the habits of others. That is not our fault, nor is it our problem. If a doctor suspects a patient is abusing his medication, then I’m fairly positive that the obvious signs will be there. That patient will run out of his med early, for instance. That patient will continually ask for something stronger. I think a doctor should be able to confront a patient about suspected drug use & should be able to require a drug test on the spot before writing out a new script. I would gladly submit one to my doctor, if he ever questioned me. But to require this every month is downright excessive & ridiculous. I’ve been a trusted patient for years. The signs would be there if I were abusing my medicine.

Don’t punish chronically ill patients for the behavior of others. They are struggling with enough, without the added expense of a drug test & the hassle of mobility and transportation to get to the clinic and take it.

And if the opioid crisis is so bad that we’ve come to this, perhaps it’s time to consider other options, such as medical marijuana, to treat chronic pain. Also, insurance policies could always be improved so that they will cover more treatment options, surgeries, & services for the chronically ill. Most of the reasons people like me suffer from chronic pain lies solely with the medical community & insurance companies. Lack of medical coverage, lack of care, & lack of competent physicians is mostly to blame.